André 'Rezet' Sanguinetti  id: 2284864
CPU AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition
RAM 2x1Gb Kingston DDR3 1333 CL9
Videocard ATI Radeon HD4870 512MB
Soundcard Steelseries USB Soundcard
Storage 200GB Maxtor 7200rpm
Motherboard ASUS M4A785TD-M EVO
Display Samsung 2032BW
OS Windows XP Pro SP3
Antivirus NOD32
CD/DVD Lite-On DVD DL LightScribe
Mouse Steelseries Kinzu
Mouse Skatez Stock
Mousepad Steelpad QcK Heavy
Keyboard Razer Arctosa
Headphones SteelSeries Siberia v2 Black
Connection Netvisão 10Mbits
Wheel/Pedals Trycicle
Joypad Between my legs
TV Television
Sound system Creative Inspire 5.1
Console(s) None
Handheld(s) iPhone 3G
Drink Coca-Cola
Food Spaghetti
Movie Ghost Rider
Music Metal
Song Don't have one
Book The Da Vinci Code
Book author Dan Brown
Person Stifler's mom
Actor / Actress STALONE!
Car Honda Civic
Sport Football
Athlete Me
Map mp_crash
Clan Epsilon Esports
Player hypno
Game Hero None
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) None
Genre First-Person Shooter
Console None
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3 http://www.epsilon-esport..
Website 4