Hardware | |
CPU | AM3 AMD Athlon II X4 640 (3.0GHz) |
RAM | RAM DDR3 4GB 1333 |
Videocard | SAPPHIRE RADEON HD6870 1GB GDDR5 |
Storage | 3,5'' SATA3 500GB Seagate |
Motherboard | AM3 ASRock N68-S3 UCC |
Display | LG Platron M2094D |
OS | Windows 7 |
Antivirus | Nod32 |
Mouse | Logitech G500 |
Mousepad | Icemat Original(Clear) |
Keyboard | Tt MEKA Mechanical Keyboard |
Headphones | SteelSeries 7H USB |
Joypad | Xbox 360 Controller |
TV | LG Platron M2094D |
Console(s) | Pc |
Mobile Phone | Iphone 5 |
Favourite... | |
Athlete | Ezequiel Ivan Lavezzi & Marek Hamsik |
Favourite... | |
Map | Camp Gibraltar - Xauen |
Clan | My Clan : ) |
Player | Rionap |
Game Hero | Rionap :D |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Pro |
Genre | FPS - Football |
Console | PC FTW! |
░▒▓█ ღSkill: ░▒▓█ ღStatus: Active - ░▒▓█ ღGame:FIFA - ░▒▓█ ღmIRC Chat Name: Rionap ░▒▓█ ღHasta la victoria siempre ░▒▓█ ░▒▓█ ░▒▓█ ░▒▓█ ░▒▓█ ░▒▓█ ░▒▓█ ░▒▓█ ►Skill: ►Status: Active ►Clan: ►Clantag: ►Game:FIFA - Battlefield 2142(<3) - Battlefield 3 ►xFire: rionap ►City: Nola(Naples) ►Homepage: Calcio Napoli 1926.it ►School: "Università degli studi Federico II" Giurisprudenza ►Football Team : Napoli ►Football Player: Diego Armando Maradona ►Song: RHCP - Snow(Hey oh) James Blunt - High ►Awards: 1st Place BF2142 Esl Conquest Ladder with Gladiatores 1st Place BF2142 Progaming Titans 1st Place BF2142 Clan Base Open Cup Infantry 3rd League with Gladiatores 2nd Place BF2142 ESL Opening Cup with Gladiatores 2nd Place BF2142 TGM CUP 2007 with Esercito Italiano 2nd Place BF2142 Progaming Smackdown 3rd Place BF2142 Progaming Cup 2007 with Gladiatores 3rd Place BF2142 Progaming Smackdown 1st Place War Rock CQC 3on3+ Ladder Italy 3rd at War Rock CQC 4on4 SteelSeries Autumn League '08 2nd at War Rock CQC 4on4 NightCup VI 1st Place @ WarRock CQC 3on3+ EU Ladder 1st Place @ Combat Arms 3on3 Opening Cup with L33T Combat Arms TOP 3 War Rock @ WarRock CQC 2on2 EU Ladder 1st Place @ WarRock CQC 2on2 ITA Ladder 1st Place @ ITA WarRock CQC 2on2 Lord of Marien 3rd Place @ EU War Rock CQC 2on2 Winter League 2nd Place @ ITA WarRock CQC 2on2 Lord of Verluf 1st Place @ War Rock CQC 4on4 SteelSeries Winter League '09 1st Place @ War Rock Close Quarters Combat 2on2 SteelSeries Season I 1st Place @ War Rock Close Quarters Combat 4on4 SteelSeries Season I 1st Place @ Microsoft League 3on3 NightCup I 2nd Place @ EU War Rock CQC 3on3 Summer League 2nd Place @ Microsoft League 3on3 1st Place @ FIFA 11 Ladder 1on1 ITA TOP 10 @ FIFA 11 Ladder EU 1on1 ░▒▓█ ░▒▓█ ░▒▓█ ░▒▓█ ░▒▓█ ░▒▓█ ░▒▓█ ░▒▓█ |