Marcin 'Morfik' Unknown  id: 232052
CPU ryzen 5 3600
RAM corsair rgb pro 16gb 3200mhz
Videocard gf 1660ti
Soundcard on board
Storage m2
Motherboard msi b450 tomahawk max
Display 165h
OS 10
Mouse razer deathadder elite
Mouse Skatez jop
Mousepad qck+
Keyboard Razer BlackWidow Chroma
Headphones creative blasterx h5/ steelseries arctic 5 white
Drink whisky z colą
Movie Obcy <3
Music In The End
Book harry potter
Actor / Actress Bolaji Badejo :(
Car tylko audi/bmw
Map train
Clan mym
Player taz
Game Hero neo
Console ps4
Feel free to challenge me :) (rl,csgo)
Enjoy your life constantly - You're more dead than alive!

nothing hyhy