Hardware | |
CPU | e6400 |
RAM | 1024 |
Motherboard | ASrock |
Display | Medion / BenQ |
OS | Win XP |
Mouse | Logitech G5 |
Mousepad | Tischplatte |
Keyboard | Logitech G15 |
Headphones | Medusa 5.1 |
Connection | 6k leitung |
Wheel/Pedals | Logitech |
Joypad | - |
TV | - |
Sound system | Medion 5.1 |
Console(s) | PS3 |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Cola |
Food | Alles mögliche |
Movie | dawn of the dead |
Music | Gothmetal / Metal |
Book | Vollidiot |
Book author | Tommy Jaud |
Sport | CSS |
Favourite... | |
Clan | DSoL |
Genre | Shooter |