Aaditya 'Achille' Singh  id: 2375537
CPU Intel Pentuim 4 3.06 Ghz.
RAM 1 Gb. ( 2 x 512 Mb.) DDR 400 Mhz.
Videocard ATI Radeon 9600 256 Mb. DDR
Soundcard Integrato con la Scheda Madre
Storage 1 da 80 Gb. 7200 rpm Maxtor e il 2 da 120 Gb. 7200
Motherboard ASUS P4S800
Display LCD 20" Samsung Syncmaster 203B
OS Windows XP Professional
CD/DVD Da 30euri
Mouse Da 10euri
Mousepad Da 5euri
Keyboard Da 15euri
Headphones Da 20euri
Connection Fast Web 7mega ( 3 ) > Demmerda
Drink Acqua :D
Food Pizza! :D
Movie Silent hill, Io robot, Salvate il soldato ryan ecc
Music Mi piace un pò di tutto!
Song Numb, Kiss Me Garam Masala, Fanah ecc..
Book author Salman Khan
Actor / Actress Aishwarya rai and Katrina Kaif.!
Sport Cricket
Map Fort, Lagoon, Arroyo&Strike, Crash
Clan Co.Ba.S. Comando Base Strategica
Player Io.
Game Hero Io ovviamente asd
Genre Sparatutto-Tattico
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.cobasclan.com
Website 2 http://www.graw.it
Website 3 http://ruse.it.ubi.com
«"Though I Fly Through The Valley of Death, I Shall Fear No Evil. For I am at 80,000 feet and Climbing."»


RiOwned xD