IGNORIZER  id: 2383140
CPU AMD Phenom II X4 Black Edition 955 4x 3.2
RAM 4Gb Kingston
Videocard 1024MB Sapphire Radeon HD 6850 Eyefinity
Soundcard on board
Storage 500GB Samsung SpinPoint F3 HD502HJ
Motherboard Gigabyte 870 A-UD3
Display SyncMaster 931 BF
OS Windows 7 Professional
Antivirus Avira Antivir :P
Mouse Logitech MX 518
Mouse Skatez -
Mousepad X-Board V2
Keyboard Standart Logitech
Headphones Sennheiser PC 161
Connection 6000ner Leitung
Joypad keins
TV TV-Karte
Sound system Nen CD-Player
Console(s) Super Nintendo; Nintendo 64; Playstation 1|2;
Handheld(s) keins
Drink Cola; Fanta; Sprite; Mezzo Mix
Food Spagetthie; Pizza
Movie Die Hard 1; 2; 3 und Shaun of the dead
Music -
Song hab ich nicht, mir gefallen viele
Book Tonke Dragt - Der Brief für den König
Book author J.K. Rolling
Person Ich natürlich ^^
Actor / Actress Bruce Willis
Car Audi TT
Sport Fußball; Tischtennis; Basketball
Athlete Ich ... JUNGE
Map awp_crazyjump_2007, de_Nuke
Clan -
Player -
Game Hero kp
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Warden
Genre alles wenns mir gefällt
Console Play Station 2
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.esl.eu/de
Website 2 http://www.fpsbanana.com
Website 3 http://-
Website 4 http://-
bitches I'm back