Hardware | |
CPU | low |
RAM | low |
Videocard | low |
Soundcard | low |
Storage | low |
Motherboard | low |
Display | high |
OS | Win 7 Ultimate 64 Bit :) |
Antivirus | low |
CD/DVD | habe ich viele zu Hause |
Mouse | kA; irgend ne Logitech |
Mouse Skatez | was? |
Mousepad | 2 Euro |
Keyboard | low und dreckig |
Headphones | Creative Wireless Gedöhns |
Connection | Outlaw Connection? |
Wheel/Pedals | nur im Auto |
Joypad | Xbox 360 Controllerx2 + PS2 Logitech für PC |
TV | 32 Zoll 16:9 |
Sound system | Terratec 5.1 |
Console(s) | XBox360 |
Favourite... | |
Drink | ehemals Bier, jez Bionade |
Food | Nudeln |
Movie | Action! |
Music | Punk, Oi, Hardcore |
Song | International You Day |
Book | Heinrich heine --> Buch der Lieder |
Book author | alle die cool sind --> Poe, Heine, sometimes Goeth |
Person | MacGyver + meine Liebe |
Actor / Actress | Michael Madsen |
Car | Audi A3 hätt ich gerne |
Sport | Kraftsport, Ballsportarten |
Athlete | ich |
Favourite... | |
Map | NVA Base |
Clan | P-Team |
Player | Astral |
Game Hero | Ambo |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Ubermenschen |
Genre | Action |
Console | Super Nintendo |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.p-team-ist-low.. |
Everyone’s got some sort of ball and chain. What’s life without a little pain? | Mike Ness You may not enjoy living together. But dying together isn't going to solve anything. | No Use For A Name You call me Anti-social? Well, you're fucking right | Blood For Blood ... |