Ord  id: 2495312
CPU AMD Athlon II x6 3,2Ghz
RAM 4 Go Corsiar
Videocard MSI R7950 Twin frozen
Storage SSD160Go+320 Go 7200 RPM + 1To 7200 RPM
Motherboard ASROCK 900pro
Display Samsung SyncMaster 2594HS
OS Windows 7 Édition Familiale Premium 64-bit
Antivirus Kapersky
Mouse G700S
Mouse Skatez originaux
Mousepad Razer Exact Mat.
Keyboard G19
Headphones Logitech PC Headset 120
Connection 18M
TV Proline
Console(s) PS1/PS2/PS3/PS4
Handheld(s) PSP
Drink Coca-grenadine
Food Spaghetti
Movie Ghost in The Shell
Music Rock
Song The show must go on
Book Rainbow Six (et oui c'est un livre a l'origine)
Book author Tom Clancy
Car Enzo
Sport tir a l'arc
Map Zhakar
Clan French Frag
Game Hero Solid Snake
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Elfs
Genre soigneur
Console PS3
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.frenchfrag.fr
Website 3 http://www.esl.eu/fr/warr..
Website 4 http://www.esl.eu/fr/comb..
ancien admin War Rock
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