Haver  id: 2566792
CPU AMD Sempron 3400+ 64Bit
RAM 2048
Videocard ATI x1300
Soundcard Onbord
Storage Seagate
Motherboard PC-Chips K8 M870
Display Medion
OS XP Prof.
Antivirus Avast
Mouse Logitch G5
Mousepad Tisch
Keyboard Logitech 15
Headphones Speedlink Medusa SL-8794
Connection DSL 1000
Sound system Logitech
Console(s) PC / PS2
Drink Bier
Food Alles
Movie Doberman
Music Alles
Song Go with the Flow
Book was ist das????? kenne ich nicht!!!!
Car Opel Vectra GTC OPC
Sport Fußball
Map Dust2
Clan Firewings of Darkness
Console PC, PS2
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.firewings-of-d..
Website 2 http://www.Haverundfreund..
╔►◙_Status: Aktiv[√] Inaktiv[ ]
╠►◙_Skill: Low [√] Middle [√] High [ ]
╠►◙_Games: CS:CZ/ CS 1.6
╠►◙_Waffen: M4A1/ Ak47/ Deagle/ USP