Antonio 'Bryan' Di Micco  id: 2598548
CPU Phenom II x6 1090T 3.2 Ghz
RAM 4gb
Videocard NvidiaGeforce 450gts 1GB
Storage 500 gb
Motherboard Asus DDr3
Display samsung SyncMaster 941mp
OS windows 7
Mouse G9 laser mouse logitech
Mouse Skatez in cuoio ( the bridge )
Keyboard logitech
Headphones logitech
Connection 20 mb Alice
Sound system subwoofer creative
Console(s) ps, ps1, ps2, pc
Drink Kriek
Food pizza ( qualsiasi xD )
Movie Clockwork Orange
Music Rock-alternative rock-punk rock-metal-Blues.
Song Hypnotize-toxicity-aerials-too much<3will kill u
Book il nome della rosa
Book author Umberto Eco
Person mio padre
Actor / Actress J. Nicolson -W. Smith - M.Damon -J.Depp -A. Pacino
Car Maserati turbo
Sport calcio, tennis, nuoto, atletica leggera
Athlete Alessandro Del Piero
Map khyber, Xauen, Velruf.
Clan In Memory of [Team Impact]
Player Warrock nickname: iforx3d
Game Hero Iron man, Joker, Batman.
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Assault - Medic
Genre FPS
Console PC
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2 http://www.oa-production...
Website 3 http://www.oa-production...
Website 4 http://www.oa-production...
╠══════► Skill: Low [ ] Medium [ ] High [√]
╠═►Skill: ██████████████████ 100%
╠═══► [Status: Active [√] Inactive [ ]