Mads 'VH' Andreassen  id: 2618284
CPU Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4 GHz
RAM Kingston DDR2, 800 MHz, 512x2
Videocard Inno3D 7950 GT 512 MB, PCI-E
Soundcard Steel Sound
Storage Maxtor DM 21, 250 GB + 160 GB
Motherboard ASUS P5B-VM, G965
Display 19" SHG skærm
OS Windows XP Home
CD/DVD Standard
Mouse MSI 3.0
Mouse Skatez Hyperglidez
Mousepad Steelpad QcK Heavy
Keyboard Logitech
Headphones Steel Sound 5H v2 USB
Connection 4096/1024
Wheel/Pedals wtf?
Joypad Eh...
TV Sony 26" LCD HDTV
Sound system Creative 7.1
Console(s) Xbox 360 & Nintendo Wii
Handheld(s) wtf?
Drink Vodka + Juice
Food Fastfood
Movie Comedy
Music Rock
Song Changes from time to time
Book Hahaha
Book author HC. Andemad
Person Joey
Actor / Actress Joey
Car Toyota Celica 2.0
Sport CS
Athlete Fatal1ty
Map de_inferno
Clan ideal gaming
Player karrigan
Game Hero Mario
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Terrorist
Genre FPS
Console Nintendo Wii
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2 http://www.playzone-gamin..
Hej, mit navn er Mads.
Jeg er en glad 20-årig mand som elsker gåture i regnvejr og flæskesvær.
Jeg spiller Counter Strike Source og jeg hygger mig rigtig meget med det!

SHG open 2006 - CS 1.6 5on5 tournament - Ended 17-32th in B tournament
- emu! (VH, Tuna, khrystal, zehow & CrazH)

SLKS #9 - CS:Source 5on5 tournament - Ended 6th in A tournament
- FetishNight (VH, 3k2, Haahr, Cykel & jUbib)

Battle IT #4 - CS 1.6 5on5 tournament - Ended 4th in B tournament
- recoil gaming (VH, NiNK, Danny, allmost & Lintopli)

NetPartyFyn #7 - CS 1.6 5on5 tournament - Ended 1st in A tournament
- recoil gaming (VH, NiNK, Danny, allmost & Pjevs)

SHG open 2007 - CS 1.6 5on5 tournament - Ended 2nd in B tournament
- poledanceRs (VH, panter, provider, mat & CrazH)

NetPartyFyn #8 - CS 1.6 5on5 tournament - Ended 2nd i A tournament
- dA_sCHliMM (VH, Vitus, PHOLLE, zynic & fr0wn)

The Connection #18 - CS 1.6 tournament 5on5 - Ended 5th/6th in A tournament
- dA_sCHliMM (VH, Vitus, PHOLLE, Haue & Est)

The Connection #18 - WC3 2on2 tournament - Ended 2nd in A tournament
- dA_sCHlimm (VH & Est)

Battle IT #5 - CS 1.6 tournament 5on5 - Ended 9th-12th in A tournament
- (VH, BERRY, messias, Jamze & zhrv1N)

CubeLAN #3 - CS 1.6 tournament 5on5 - Ended 4th in A tournament
- dA_sCHliMM (VH, Vitus, PHOLLE, Haue & Moz)

SLKS #14 - CS:Source tournament 5on5 - Ended 5th/6th in A tournament
- Magicians (VH, vnG, Streit, ruggah & cass)

SLKS #15 - CS:Source tournament 5on5 - Ended 2nd in A tournament
- HastaLaVista (VH, Oxyde, Streit, ruggah & Rytter)

BWS-Challenge #1 - CS 1.6 tournament 5on5 - Ended 9th-12th in A tournament
- Horsie (VH, mat, pazzive, mazix & Flommer)

BWS-Challenge #1 - CS 1.6 tournament 5on5 - Ended 2nd in B tournament
- Horsie (VH, mat, pazzive, mazix & Flommer)

HK LAN #2 - CS 1.6 tournament 5on5 - Ended 9th-12th in B tournament
- dA_sCHliMM (VH, Vitus, PHOLLE, MacDonald & rhee)

SLAP LIVE #17 - CS:Source tournament 5on5 - Ended 7th/8th in A tournament
- MoD (VH, ruggah, Herden, staRfire & Inzta)

The Blast #1 - CS:Source tournament 5on5 - Ended 2nd in A tournament
- fnatic.MSI (VH, ruggah, Herden, staRfire & krogh)

SLAP LIVE #18 - CS:Source tournament 5on5 - Ended 7th/8th in A tournament
- FLYVERNE (VH, zlam, Herden, Nico & krogh)

Outpost On Fire #3 - CS:Source tournament 5on5 - Ended 7th/8th in A tournament
- fnatic.MSI (VH, ruggah, Herden, staRfire & krogh)

the eXperience 2009 - CS:Source tournament 5on5 - Ended 13-16th in A tournament
- SoA (VH, ruggah, Herden, staRfire & krogh

SLAP LIVE #19 - CS:Source tournament 5on5 - Ended 13-16th in A-tournament
- NoName (VH, Nico, Gui, Makevelli, t0xic, rull0x)

Copenhagen Games - CS:Source tournament 5on5 - Ended 13-16th in A-tournament
- NoName (VH, oxyde, Gui, Makevelli, t0xic, rull0x)

Sleepless LAN #4 - CS:Source tournament 5on5 - Ended 2nd in A-tournament
- ANEXIS (VH, Nico, impulze, ruzz, ruggah