Funk3r  id: 2653796
CPU AMD Phenom II X4 965 [email protected] // Zalman 9700 LED
RAM GeIL 4 GB DDR2-1066 Kit - EVO ONE (GE24GB1066C5DC)
Videocard PNY NVidia GeForce GTX 470 @ 1280 MB GDDR5
Soundcard SoundMAX 7.1 -onboard-
Storage 250 GB Maxtor / 500 GB Western Digital Extern
Motherboard ASUS M3N-HT Deluxe/Mempipe NF780a AM2+
Display Samsung Syncmaster P2450 + LG Flatron L1953T
OS Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64bit
Antivirus Windows Defender / Avira AntiVirus
CD/DVD LG DLayer, Plextor PX116A
Mouse Logitech G9 Gaming Mouse @ 28g
Mousepad RantoPad Super Cloth black
Keyboard Logitech G11 Gaming Keyboard
Headphones Speedlink Medusa NX 5.1 Gaming Headset
Connection T-Online DSL 50000 (T-Entertain)
TV Panasonic Viera TX-P 42C10E 106 cm Plasma TV
Sound system Hercules XPS 2.1 40
Mobile Phone Sony Ersicsson Xperia Neo -silver-
Drink Spezi, Wodka-RedBull
Movie [REC], 28 Days/Weeks Later, Dawn of the Dead u.v.m
Music Roxette, Such A Surge, Rock, Charts... fast ALLES
Song Will Hoge - Even If It Breaks Your Heart
Book Max Brooks - Zombie Survival Guide
Book author Stephen King, Max Brooks
Person <3 Meine Verlobte <3
Actor / Actress Sylvester Stallone
Sport Matratzensport mit meiner Süßen
Map Crossfire, Backlot u. Crash
Clan R.I.P --> »|GSF|«, -=QEG=-, LoW|
Player TBH.MSI smithz
Game Hero Duke Nukem
Genre Ego Shooter (FPS)
Console Konsolen sind was für Grobmotoriker!
Favourite Websites
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