Ahab  id: 2692901
CPU Phenom X3 8750 BE
RAM 2 x 1024 MB OCZ DDR2- 800
Videocard GTX 260 + 8800GT (PhysX)
Soundcard onboard
Storage Samsung Spinpoint F1 320 GB
Motherboard ASUS M2N32 WS Pro
Display ASUS MW221U- 22"
OS Windows XP Home
Antivirus Avast Home
CD/DVD LG Brenner
Mouse Razer Deathadder
Mouse Skatez ? die vonna maus? xD
Mousepad Razer Goliathus Alpha Speed
Keyboard Logitech Illuminated Keyboard
Headphones Speedlink Medusa 5.1 PG
Connection DSL 2000 T-Com
TV Hauppauge Nova-T Stick
Sound system i-watt aus der Metro xD 5.1
Drink Pils
Food Spareribs
Movie Black Hawk Down...eig zu viele ^^
Music allet ausser schlager u volksmusik
Song Tiesto feat Kirsty Hawkshaw- just be
Book "Porno" von Irwin Welsh
Book author Dietmar Wischmeyer
Person die Atzen
Actor / Actress keinen, muss zum film passen
Car BMW 850i
Sport Angeln, Karate und E-Spocht :D
Athlete keene ahnung xD
Map cbble, cpl_mill, d/d2, aztec, inferno
Clan mouz, alternate attaxx, ambitious effort
Player Neo
Game Hero Cpt. Price aus CoD4
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) sowat spiel ick nich ^^
Genre Shooter, Taktik-Shooter
Console Xbox 360
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.technobase.fm
Website 2 http://www.ambitious-effo..
Website 3 http://extreme.pcgameshar..
Website 4 http://www.kmelektronik.d..