Hardware | |
CPU | Intel i5 750 |
RAM | 8GB DDR3 1333MHz |
Videocard | GeForce GTX260 AMP² |
Soundcard | Creative X-Fi Gamer |
Storage | 320 GB / 500 GB |
Motherboard | ASUS P7P55D |
Display | Samsung SyncMaster 950p plus |
OS | Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit |
CD/DVD | LG DVD Brenner |
Mouse | SteelSeries XAI |
Mouse Skatez | OFCOURSE! |
Mousepad | QCK Heavy |
Keyboard | Raptor-gaming K2 |
Headphones | Razer Carcharias |
Connection | KabelDeutschland 100.000 |
Wheel/Pedals | nur bei CS |
TV | Fernseher |
Sound system | 2 Boxen |
Console(s) | Gameboy |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Kaffee |
Food | Griechisch |
Movie | StarWars Trilogie (4-6) |
Music | Prodigy / Aphrodite / Metallica / Rammstein |
Book | TAMM BUCH |
Book author | TAMM |
Person | Quentin Tarantino |
Actor / Actress | George Clooney / Jack Nicholson |
Car | Trabant |
Sport | Fussball / Basketball |
Favourite... | |
Map | de_nuke/de_train |
Clan | [*LM$ *] |
Player | Ich natürlich |
Game Hero | BladeMaster |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | ORC |
Genre | Echtzeit-Strategie / Ego-Shooter |
Console | Nein |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://de.wikipedia.org |
Website 2 | http://www.spiegel.de |
Website 3 | http://www.amazon.de |
Website 4 | http://www.bereitsgesehen.. |
formerly known as XaRoN. Online Gaming since 1998, more about in Description. 12th August 2015 ranked up to BIG DADDY. ;-) Nickname XaRoN since 1999 formerly known as XaRoN. First time i was playing online HLDM in 1998, before that i was playing on LAN games like DukeNukem 3D, Quake1, Quake2, Quake3, Unreal Tournament, Command & Conquer, Warcraft, Warcraft 2, Diablo, Starcraft and Diablo 2. 12th August 2015 ranked up to BIG DADDY of two children. (-: Clan History (Counter-Strike): The Apocalyptic Destroyers (2000/2001) ping of death (2000) Last Men $tanding (2001/2002) foundatioN (LM$) deathreign (LM$) Deutschlands kranke Horde (2002/2003) [p][laGue] (2003) xSporting (2005) Clan History (WarCraft 3 TFT): Clowns of Death (2005) CoCain Cartel (2006) good old times good old times¹ good old times² good old times³ hi@ |