Michael 'mikkis' Sokki  id: 2775790
CPU AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+, 3.2GHz Socket
RAM Kingston HyperX 2048MB + Corsair TWIN2X 2048MB
Videocard XFX GeForce 8800GT 1GB GDDR3
Soundcard SteelSeries USB
Storage Hitachi Deskstar T7K500 500GB SATA2
Motherboard ASUS M4N78 Pro
Display Samsung Syncmaster 2233RZ
OS Windows XP Proffesional
Antivirus NOD32
CD/DVD Samsung DVD-brenner SH-S202J
Mouse Razer Krait
Mouse Skatez Glue
Mousepad SteelSeries QcK Heavy
Keyboard Steelkeys 6G
Headphones QPAD® QH-1339
Connection 10000/1800 Canal Digital / 20000/10000
TV 46" plasma :D
Sound system Pioneer
Console(s) Playstation 1/2/3
Handheld(s) Playstation PSP
Drink Coca Cola
Food Hamburger
Movie The Boondock Saints
Music Trance / Techno
Song DJ BOOM - The Annual-2006
Book Donald Duck
Book author Disney
Person Anders Eide Rasmussen (DKOP)
Actor / Actress Keifer Sutherland
Sport Counter-Strike
Map de_inferno
Clan #excello
Player f0rest
Game Hero Red XIII
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Orc
Console Playstation
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.nesc.nu
Website 2 http://www.youtube.com

x-ray /w steel ;]