Hardware | |
CPU | i5 760 |
RAM | 4GB |
Videocard | GTX 460 2GB |
Storage | 1TB |
Motherboard | Gigabyte P55 |
Display | LG lcd 17" |
OS | win 7 |
Antivirus | AVG |
CD/DVD | lg dvd |
Mouse | Razer Deathadder |
Mousepad | a4tech x7 |
Keyboard | A4tech G800 x7 |
Sound system | priVileg |
Mobile Phone | iphone 5 |
Favourite... | |
Drink | PS |
Movie | Fast and Furious |
Music | Hip-hop,Rap |
Song | can't be touched |
Actor / Actress | Angelina Jolie |
Car | BMW, Volkswagen |
Sport | football |
Athlete | D.Beckham |
Favourite... | |
Map | de_inferno |
Clan | SK, eoLithic |
Player | SpawN, Vilden, knoxville |
Genre | FPS |