Ivan 'luCivan' Lucignano  id: 2904876
CPU AMD Phenom(tm) 9850 Quad-Core 2.51 GHz
Videocard ATI Shapphire HD4870
Soundcard VIA HD Audio Deck
Storage Maxtor 250gb
Motherboard ASUS M3A78
Display Samsung 16 Pollici
OS Windows 7
Antivirus Avast!
CD/DVD Philips
Mouse Trust
Keyboard Logitech
Headphones 5.00€
Connection Fastweb 4 Mb
Joypad Xtreme MorphEUS
TV Samsung 20 Pollici LcD
Sound system CreAtive
Console(s) Ps2
Drink H2o
Food A pizz a du'Gennaro
Movie Il Camorrista
Music Minimal&Techno
Song Nu Jeans e na'Magliet
Book Chi s fà e cazz suoj camp 100 ann
Book author Jeje
Person Professore di Vesuviano
Actor / Actress Nino D'Angelo&Benny Lava
Car Mini Cooper(foss' a maronn!)
Sport Kickboxing
Athlete Diego Armando Maradona
Map Xauen/Khyber
Clan Last Survivors Clan
Player Rajinz
Game Hero Padrino
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Partenopea
Genre boh!
Console Ps2
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.sscnapoli.it
Website 2 http://www.warrock.net
Website 3 http://www.esl.eu
Website 4 http://www.youtube.it
3rd CQC 1on1 QuickCup I (07/23/2008)
2nd CQC 1on1 QuickCup V (12/23/2008)
Contact me on Xfire before challeng plz
Last Survivors in the Heart (Since 04/09/07)

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ツ Good Luck & Have Fun