ronnieeuda  id: 2905379
Drink Bier, Wasser, Wein, O-Saft
Food Pizza, Bananas! and Fish.
Movie The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Music Metallica, Sick of it all, Tool
Song Wings for Marie/10.000 Days
Person Wolf Speer
Actor / Actress Günter Grünwald, Paul Panzer (Dieter Tappert)
Car Opel Astra
Sport Tischtennis, Eishockey, Fußball, Tischtennis
Athlete Wolf?
Map de_nuke
Clan Playcast Crew
Player YetiVin
Game Hero Super Mario, Commander Shepard, Bayonetta
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) ...
Genre RPG MIT Atmosphäre
Console PS3
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3
Website 4 http://hättichselbernehpw..
Der Klügere gibt nach.
Der Dümmere bekommt alles.

Hat jemand mein Bier gesehen?