ziGar  id: 299561
CPU AMD 64 3200+
RAM 1024 MB
Videocard Asus Radeon 9800xt 256 MB
Soundcard Sennheiser Pc 155
Storage 70gb/10000,40gb/7200,usb2 170gb/7200
Motherboard Asus K8V
Display Liyama Vision Master 454
Mouse Microsoft Intelli Explorer 3.0
Mouse Skatez Hyperglides
Mousepad Steelpad 4D
Headphones Sennheiser Pc 155
Connection T-DSL 768kbit mit Fastpath
Drink Wasser
Food alle Nudelgerichtet
Movie Fast and the Furious, walk to remember
Book World of Warcraft Spielhandbuch :)
Person Gerhard Schröder
Actor / Actress Sean Connery
Car Ford Fiesta 1.3
Map de_dust2, de_nuke
Clan complexity
Player froD
Game Hero Gordon Freeman
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.mymtw.de
Website 2 http://www.esl-europe.net
Website 3 http://www.schroet.de
Website 4 http://www.gamestar.de