Daniel 'Ruudy' Abad  id: 3022202
CPU DualCore Intel Core 2 Duo E8400
RAM 4gb Geil 1066 Black Dragon
Videocard NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX+
Storage MAXTOR STM3250310AS
Motherboard MSI P45 Neo-F
Display LG M228WA
OS Windows xp
Antivirus Avast
Mouse Logitech G5
Mousepad Steelpad S&S v2
Keyboard Logitech G15 v2
Headphones Logitech G35
Connection 6mb ONO
Console(s) Playstation 2 / Psp / Nds
Drink Cerveza
Food Costillar
Movie El club de la lucha
Music Trance
Song The Mackenzie feat. Jessy - Without you (arpegia)
Book Dragonlance
Person Mery
Car Ford focus 98
Sport Futbol / Baloncesto
Athlete Zidane / Jordan
Map Crossfire
Game Hero Sora
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Enanos
Console DS
♠ Twitter: ♠http://twitter.com/Ruudy_es
♠ Facebook: ♠

♠ Status: ♠ ► Have Team
♠ Skill: ♠ ► Med+ / Med
♠ Weapons: ♠ ► Aku / Ak
♠ Lannable: ♠ ► Totally EU

3 Fiberpaty
2 Quijote Lan Party
1 Murcia Lan Party 2010
1 Murcia Lan Party 2011
3 La Vega Lan Party 2012
1 Murcia Lan Party 2012