Hardware | |
CPU | Core i7 920 |
RAM | 6x2048 DDR3 |
Videocard | GTX 470 |
Soundcard | Auzentech X-fi |
Storage | Seagate 7900.12 500Gbx3 |
Motherboard | Asus P6K |
Display | Dell 27" |
OS | Windows 7 Ultimate 64bits |
Mouse | Razer Deathadder lefthandend |
Keyboard | Logitech Media Keyboard |
Headphones | Razer Megalodon |
Connection | 50Mb Fibra Movistar |
TV | Plasm LG 42" 480p |
Sound system | Onkyo 7.1 + Kevlar fronts |
Console(s) | PS3 |
Mobile Phone | iPhone 3GS |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Nestea |
Food | All |
Movie | The Fight Club |
Music | Sting |
Song | Roxanne |
Book | Interview with the Vampire |
Book author | H.P. Lovecraft |
Actor / Actress | Harrison Ford |
Car | Volkswagen Touareg |
Sport | Gym |
Athlete | Pau Gasol |
Favourite... | |
Game Hero | Lara Croft |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Humanos |
Genre | femenino |
Console | PS3 |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.mmogamer.es |
Website 2 | http://www.marcaplayer.co.. |
Website 3 | http://www.mmorpg.com |
Website 4 | http://warzone.mmogamer.e.. |
Fan de los juegos con historia |