Departet  id: 3064130
CPU AMD Phenom II 965 @3,4Ghz
RAM 8GB DDR3 - 1600 G.Skill
Videocard ATI HD 6870
Soundcard OnBoard
Storage Cruzial SSDM464GB + 750GB intern + 2x 1,5TB extern
Motherboard ASUS M5A97PRO
Display LG 22"
OS Windows 7 Enterprise x64
Antivirus Avira
Mouse Roccat Savu
Mousepad Steelseries QcK
Keyboard Microsoft Sidewinder x4
Headphones Steelseries Siberia V2
Connection 2000
Joypad XBOX360 for Windows
TV Online TV FTW
Sound system Logitech x540
Mobile Phone Samsung Galaxy i9300 S3
Drink Monster Energie
Movie Tears of the Sun
Music Sonic Syndicate
Song You Are Going Down
Book author Anonymous
Person -
Actor / Actress Jean Reno
Sport eSport
Map NVA Base
Clan German Sensation - not
Player nooky
Game Hero Link
Genre Shooter, Jump 'n Run
Favourite Websites
Website 1