Daniel 'vampy' Bastian  id: 316919
CPU Intel i5 2500K
RAM Corsair 16GB
Videocard Sapphire 6850
Soundcard X-Fi Music @ LM4562 OPAMP Solder Mod
Storage OCZ Vertex 3 120GB Max IOPS + 2TB Samsung
Motherboard ASRock P67 Extreme4 Gen3
Display Samsung 27" LCD 1ms
OS 7 Ultimate
Mouse KinzuAdder + D2F-01F (SS Kinzu Shape with DA PCB)
Mouse Skatez Corepad Skatez
Mousepad Puretrak Talent
Keyboard QPAD MK-50 Pro with MX-Red Switches
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro with ModMic
Connection KD 32 MBit
Wheel/Pedals Mehrere
Joypad Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller
TV Panasonic 40" Plasma with Dreambox 800HD se
Sound system Teufel Concept F
Console(s) Xbox, Xbox360, Nintendo Wii
Handheld(s) Andi's Mama
Mobile Phone HTC Desire
Drink Coke Light
Food Döner <3
Music HipHop, Rap, Reggae, Dance, Techno, House
Car Audi A3 @ S3 Verspoilerung
Map de_nuke
History: feRus, toXic, junk52, team-armageddon, mystical lambda