SunFire  id: 321289
CPU Intel Core I7
Videocard geforce 330m
Soundcard SB Live
Storage 500 GB
Display 16" Notebook 22" AsusTFT
OS Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit
CD/DVD Brenner und so
Mouse Logitech mx 518
Mouse Skatez Keine Ahung, so Dinger halt
Mousepad Razer Mantis speed
Keyboard Notebook
Headphones Plantronics
Connection Mafia, Russen....
Sound system Teufel Concept e 400 Digital
Console(s) Playstation 3
Mobile Phone Palm Pro
Drink Weizen
Food Vieles
Movie Gesetz der Rache
Music Alles mögliche
Song Auch einige
Book Spannendes
Book author Verschiedene
Person Jemand der mir viel bedeutet :)
Actor / Actress ....
Car Meins, alle andern sind eh zu teuer
Sport Laufen
Map Azze
Clan dumme Frage.
Player MICH!
Game Hero Guybrush Threepwood
Console PS3
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3
!-Respect the Old School-!
For some more Informations press the Button :)
Contact: 129433870 @ ICQ I survived ICQ in 2024 :)

08.01.2010 Trusted is over

-I started playing Online in 1998/1999 with AQ2/Half-Life/CounterStrike
-My first ESL ( ESPL/ DECL ) account was created in 2000/2001, dont know...
-YEARS of playing CounterStrike in several leagues online...
-I stopped playing CS in Dezember 2003
-I started playing BF in Dezember 2003
-I went completely inactive in March 2004
-March 2005 active again?!
-No, never in cs.....
-Ui, May 2006, after 1 year break i try to play a bit CounterStrike....
- March 2007 I´am still alive!
- September 2007 I have not played more than 1 year but I´am still alive!
- Dezember 2007: Playing a bit for fun
- May 2008: End of an Aera! After more than 10 Years of online gaming its over now!

Thanks to all the People i met in this long time.
Special wishes to:

Christian' The Franchise ' K. U teached me this fucking game. I never forget the time in Pinneberg!

Mario' Majo ' G. The best Clanleader in the world!

Kim ' n4n0 ' H. Thanks for the great lan events we had. U showed me the Maggi 5 Minuten Terrine Chinese Soup :)

Pawel' Pas0 ' S. One of the best players I ever met. I enjoyed our time in Celle. A real Friend. We are still in Contact.

Ben' St0rm ' A. A real Friend. We had some funny drunken nights in several bars! Sometimes with an Ambulance :)

Sabrina' Venuz ' Best female Player I met in 10 Years! And YES, she is good looking! Bierchen?

Alex ' SupaBärli ' P. Special thanks to bärli for his dedication to meet us all on Lan Millanium in AUSTRIA 2004! I think he is the best Clanleader in the world, too!

Other special wishes goes to: Platin! Addi! Inferno! Morti! Dabuu! Naolein! Xabbu! Dog! Menon!
All [AW] Members! All [EM] Members! ALL [DEC] Members! All BBF Members! All *UCA* Members

Some achievement in the time ( I cant remember ALL):

2001 -Strike One Online Qualification with [GoD]
-Ascendency to 2nd GSL Ladder with [AW]
2002 -Strike One Finals Berlin with [GoD]
-Top 30 Clanbase 5on5 Defuse Ladder with [AW]
-Top 30 Espl 5on5 Ladder with [AW]
2003 -Several small Lans placed 1-3 with *UCA*
-Ascendency to 1st GSL Ladder with [AW]
-Junien 6 in Hagen 3rd Place with *UCA*
2004 -Top 5 ESL Battlefield 8on8 Ladder with DEC
-1st Place Millanium AT BF 8on8 with BBF
-Several small Lans placed 1-3 with BBF/ DEC
-Attendance to the first BF 4on4 Inf Cup
2005 -Inactive
2006 -No Cups/ Lans Played
2007 -No Cups/ Lans Played
2008 -Alpha-Lan Celle placed 9-12
--Last Event for me!--
2010 -08.01.2010 Trusted is over but I`am alive!
2011 -March 2011 Lots of old friends had been deleted in the last year but I´am alive!
2014 -Februar 2014. I´am still alive!
2015 - September. I still have Internet and we go straight to 20 Years :)
2017 - I´am still alive! Greetings to all old friends!
2019 - Had a bad year...but i'am still alive and it will end in few Weeks. Greetings to all who remember to old days of gaming.
2024 - Greetings, years passing by but I'am still alive :)