Hapkotuk  id: 3233701
Antivirus rubber condom
CD/DVD yes i like
Mouse ACME optical mouse (5$)
Mouse Skatez dont know whats that
Keyboard yes i have keys!!
Connection i have a good connection with every1
Wheel/Pedals Pedal?sam ti pedals
TV i like TV , big plasma
Console(s) ~ ?
Handheld(s) my dick every morning
Mobile Phone Samsung S Scl
Drink Booz
Food Food
Movie Blonde loses virginity to a 50 guys
Music Alternative rock , Linkin park
Song New Divide
Book A book!!
Person me
Actor / Actress Jim Carey , Jackie Chan , Will Smith
Car Bugatti Veyron
Sport Powerlifting
Map Strike at Karkand
Clan NWP
Player Frenki.wp best infantry <3
Console ~