Sergio 'Sejas' Mercado Gil  id: 3234560
CPU AMD Phenom II 1090T X6 3.2Ghz 125W AM3 Black Editi
RAM 8GB 2x4GB G.Skill Sniper DDR3 160
Videocard AMD RADEON R9 270X
Soundcard Integrada
Storage WD Caviar Black 2TB SATA3 / M4 Crucial SSD 128 GB
Motherboard Asus M4A88TD-V EVO/USB
Display Dell UltraSharp U2312HM LED 23" IPS
OS Windows 8 home 64 premium
Antivirus Avast
Mouse Steelseries Rival
Mouse Skatez cool story
Mousepad Qck steelseries Large
Keyboard Steelseries 6Gv2
Headphones Takstar HD6000
Connection Telefonica 300 MB fibra optica
Wheel/Pedals No
Joypad Logitech strike
Sound system No
Console(s) Xbox 360
Handheld(s) No
Mobile Phone Samsung Note 3
Drink Coca Cola
Food Sushi
Movie Demasiadas
Music De todo , power metal , rock , nihongo
Song Muchas
Book The witcher, Kvothe , Malaz
Book author Andrzej Spakowski
Person Hayao Miyazaki
Actor / Actress Tom Hardy
Car mustang ford 2016
Sport Rugby , Airsoft
Athlete Bren foster
Map Rattle Snake, Camp gibraltar, Dust 2
Clan eSP-GaminG , Na´Vi , NiP
Player F0rest ,HeatoN, xpeke , Dendi
Game Hero Link
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) humanos , drow
Genre FPS , Moba
Console Xbox360
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2 http:// sergio_sejas
Website 3 http:// sergiokaos07
Overwatch Player - DPS/Flanker/Flex -- Looking for team
Ex-PlayMaker.GG / Right Click Team Artik/No digas nada only rt/Arctic


Awards / Achivements :

Supreme Ranked

JokerDota Shoutcaster
ESL Spain Shoutcaster
Pubstomp Shoutcaster
2º ESL Night Cup #19
3º ESL Night Cup #20
3º ESL Night Cup #21
2º Torneo Dota2 Euskal Encounter #22 ( 600€)

**League of legends**
#7º Euskal encounter LAN
#2º Place ESL Fnac callao HP INTEL cup LAN
#1º Place ESL Fnac castellana (madrid) HP INTEL cup LAN
#League of legends PRO series player

**Combat Arms**
Spain.CA national player

- EsP_Gaming team :
1º ESL nations cup (Spain)
1º CA WOGL Europe champion
1º LMS 1on1 Handgun Cup 29/08/2010
3º Nightcup #10 - TDM 1on1 Sniper Only 13/09/21010
1º ESL5on5 Ladder search and destroy
1º ESL 3on3 ctf Ladder

#MVP POLAND VS SPAIN (16 kills 0 deaths 3 bombs planted)