Flanner  id: 324966
Mouse Logitech
Mousepad Everglide classic
Flanner is a former amateur esports athlete. He was active for uTc between 2000 and 2001 and then at CSP from 2001 to 2005. In 2004 he was able to reach the top 10 of the HL Ladder on his own. He is currently active again for the uTc clan and on retro LANs. He played CS @ CSP and UT/Quake live @ uTc.

Greatest Hits

ESL | HL Ger 1on1 Ladder Top 10 (2004 – 9th Place)

/with team
Clanbase | CS Ger 3on3 Ladder Top Rank 31 (2003)
ESL | CS Int. 5on5 Ladder Top Rank 105 (2004)