Sindre 'Mindre' Johansen  id: 3305158

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Evil Boy


#2 in the ESL Bad Company 2 Country Championship 2010 Infantry 5on5 - With Team Norway
#2 in the ESL Bad Company 2 Infantry Special Winter Cup - With FETTENAIS
#1 in the VIP Winter league, Division 1 - With Trønderbataljonen
#1 in the ESL Conquest 8v8 Ladder - With Paranoia
#1 in the Clanbase Conquest 8v8 Summer cup - With Paranoia
#3 in the Bad Company 2 Squad Rush 4on4 Opening Cup - With NeXt-Century eSports
#1 in the ESL Nordic 5v5 Infantry Ladder - With NeXt-Century eSports
#3 in the esportsheaven #2 8v8 - With NeXt-Century eSports
#1 in the Boomtown #4 Cup - With NeXt-Century eSports
#1 in the Boomtown #3 Cup - With NeXt-Century eSports
#1 in the Clanbase 4v4 Squadrush ladder - With NeXt-Century eSports
#1 in the Clanbase Conquest Ladder - With NeXt-Century eSports
#1 in the Clanbase Rush Ladder - With NeXt-Century eSports

#1 in Domination clanbase ladder - With Aiolos
#4 HQ 3on3 esl cup - With Aiolos

#1 in the European Clanbase Titan ladder- With Eu|AiM Stars
#2 in the European ESL Wintercup(2009) - With Eu|AiM Subliminal
#1 in the European ESL Infantry ladder 120 days. - With Paranoia Gamers
#1 in the European Clanbase Infantry ladder - With Paranoia Gamers
#3 in the European Clanbase Cup Division 3(Fall 2008) - With Nordic United Force