Prophet  id: 347200
CPU Phenom X4 955 Be @ 3.8 Ghz
RAM 4 gb
Videocard Ati 5770
Soundcard Board
Storage Seagate
Motherboard Gigabyte
Display Samsung
OS Win 7
Antivirus Zonealarm
Mouse G500
Mousepad Razer Sphex
Keyboard Logitech G15
Headphones Sennheiser
Connection KD 32 Laggy
Wheel/Pedals Mit Blitz
TV Panasonic 47" Plasma
Sound system Alpine 3000 Watt Basemaschine
Console(s) Wii, PS2
Handheld(s) Ds XL
Mobile Phone IPhone 4
Drink Cola
Food Burger
Movie Lord of War
Music Techno4eVer
Song Braincracking
Book Not
Book author Not
Person Mich
Actor / Actress <---
Car Opel Astra H Caravan 1.7 cdti @ 150 PS
Sport Formel 1
Athlete NOT
Map D2
Player Jonny R.
Game Hero Mario
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Orc
Genre Baller
Console Wii
Favourite Websites
Website 1