EmotioN.bf2  id: 3515055
Mouse Razer Diamondback 2015
Mousepad Goliathus Fragged Control by RaZer
Keyboard A4Tech X7-G800 MU
Headphones Galaxy BUDS+
Mobile Phone Galaxy S20+
Drink Juice, Milk
Food pizza, Big-Mac
Movie Green Street Hooligans
Music deathcore
Book author Alan Watts
Actor / Actress Johny Depp/Foxy Di
Car M5 E39
Sport sex
Game Hero Kassadin
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) white
inet hero
former member of team RUSSIA BF2 - Russian National team

complete gay and lazy bastard.
trolling people in gamechat snce 2k7
And since 2k7 have only one achievement - perm commentban @ my first esl acc
now I'm always raging, bcuz few shitty niners are bumming my guestbook
inactive, cya @ rl