B.O.P.E. 'HaYaBuSa' MiMMOiLFiORAiO*  id: 3547344
CPU E 6600 2,40 Ghz Core2Duo
RAM 2Gb Dual Chann. Ddr2 667Mhz Kingston 5
Videocard 4650 Sapphire 1GB
Soundcard Herculer GameTheater PRO 7.1
Storage Maxtor Diamond 16Mb Buffer
Motherboard Asrock Conroe
Display Monitor TV Philips 32"
OS Windows Ice Xp Sp3 v.6
Antivirus Non Serve A Un Cazzo ! ! !
CD/DVD Lg LightScribe DualLayer 20x
Mouse Sidewinder X5 Microsoft 2000dpi
Headphones XoNe xD53 (Pro Dj Headset)
Connection 20/1 Tiscali (WiFi)
Joypad Emulatore Playstation 2+PAD's
Sound system 5.1 Acustic Trust 60 Watt RMS
Drink The White Beer
Movie FightClub\Blow
Music Metal & Derivati (No Commerciale!)
Song iMMiGrANt SoNg (Led Zeppelin) StAiRwAy To HeAvEn
Person Malcom X
Actor / Actress Pitt-Deep\Fox-Jolie
Car @ Idrogeno (Magari!!!)
Sport Calcetto\Boxe\Pallamano
Athlete Alex Del Piero...Forza Juve ! ! !
Map Backlot/Crash
Clan =BTK=
Game Hero Super Mario
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Vampiro :-[
Genre FPS\Drive\Fight &cc...
Console Snes\PS2
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.FotteteviCitto..
Website 2 http://game-violations.gg..
...Fatevi La Premium Della Minchia Sfigati ! ! ! -.-'