L33t  id: 3552399
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo [email protected] GHz
RAM 2045 Mbit
Videocard NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS 512
Soundcard Lautsprecher Realtek High Defi
Storage 715400 MB
Motherboard Asus
Display Samsung 17"
OS Vista
Mouse Razer Lachesis / Microsoft Sidewinder
Mousepad Razer Destructor
Keyboard G15
Headphones Razer Piranha
Connection DSL 6000 WLAN
TV 2x
Drink Coca Cola
Food Was sich so auffinden lässt
Movie Far Cry
Music Hardstyle
Song Showtek-Colours of the Harder Style
Book Kann man das Essen?
Book author Das auch?
Person M3
Actor / Actress M3
Car 67er Corvette
Sport Esports, American Football, Tae Kwon Do, Saufen
Athlete M3
Map cs_assault
Player M3
Game Hero M3
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Undeath
Console Ps3
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.esl.eu