João 'Morty' Costa  id: 3580418
CPU Intel Core i5 720 @ 2.67Ghz
RAM Ripjaw 4Gb DDR3
Videocard XFX Radeon 5770
Soundcard SS Siberia v2
Storage 500gb F5 Samsung
Motherboard Asus P7P55D
Display Asus Splendid 21"
OS Windows Seven x64
Antivirus None
CD/DVD Samsung Dual Layer
Mouse Razer DeathAdder ReSpawn
Mouse Skatez Razer DeathAdder ones
Mousepad QcK+
Keyboard Razer Tarantula
Headphones Steelseries Siberia v2
Connection 4mb ADSL
Wheel/Pedals Logitech GameForce (?)
Joypad Wingman GamePad
TV A Samsung Plasma
Sound system 7.1
Console(s) Nintendo DS, GBC, GBA, PS2, PSP, PS3
Handheld(s) Nokia 5200
Drink Coca-Cola.
Food Taína.
Movie Sherlock Holmes xD
Music New Rock, Alternative , Trance, DRUM N BASS <3
Song Linkin Park - With You
Book Ninth Circle
Book author dislike it
Person João Costa (xD)
Actor / Actress Carmen Electra LOOL
Car Bugatti Veyron
Athlete Mike Mo (720 Flip)
Map Badlands
Clan coolclan
Player Nub on a mission
Game Hero Nub on a mission
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Elfs *.*
Genre FPS , some MMORPG
Console PS3 @ Pro Evolution Soccer
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.d9gaming,org
Website 2
Website 3
Website 4
João "MortY" Costa . Nice to meet you. :3