Sören 'xanor' Neukirch  id: 361140
CPU AMD Core 2 Duo E 6400
RAM 1024 mb DDR2 - 677
Videocard GeForce 7800 GTO 512mb
Soundcard unboard
Storage 120 gb maxtor 7200 u/min
Motherboard Gigabyte 965P
Display Belinea 10 30 50
OS Windows XP SP2 pro.
Mouse Logitech mx 500
Mouse Skatez -
Mousepad eXactMat
Keyboard Logitech Internet 1500 Laser
Headphones Medusa 5.1
Connection T-DSL 16000
Wheel/Pedals -
Joypad Logitech DualAction
Console(s) PS 2, PS 3
Drink Mangosaft, Pfirsichsaft, Guavensaft
Food Ente geröstet, Wild und Schnitzel
Movie saw I+II+III, The Fast and the Furios, Taxi
Music Rock, Trance, Party
Car Bugatti
Sport Fußball
Athlete Kaka
Map de_nuke
Genre Simulation
Console PS 3
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.mscv.de.vu
Website 2 http://www.sportal.de
Website 3 http://www.sport1.de