Erdal 'Fei' Karatas  id: 3655235
CPU İntel E8200 2,66 @ 3,33
RAM Kingston 2x2 800 Mhz
Videocard Zotac GTX 260
Soundcard SteelSeries Siberia USB
Storage Samsung 500 GB
Motherboard Gigabyte P35 DS3L
OS Windows XP SP3
Antivirus Nod 32
Mouse Razer Deathadder
Mousepad Razer Galiathus
Keyboard A4tech G600
Headphones Sennheiser PC350
Connection 4096*1024
Drink Coca Cola
Movie Harry Potter,Lord Of The Rings
Book Harry Potter,Lord Of The Rings
Sport Basketbol
Map de_nuke,de_russka,de_tuscan
Clan dStinctive
Player froD