BayNoLi  id: 377493
CPU Intel Core i7 2600K | Sandy Bridge
RAM 8192 MB Corsair (8500) DDR3 | 9.0-9-9-24
Videocard nVidia GeForce GTX 260 | GT200 Rev. B1
Soundcard Soundblaster Audigy 2 EAX 2.0
Storage 2x Seagate Baracuda 1TB 7200 U/pm 8MB Cache sATA
Motherboard P8P67 DELUXE | Intel Sandy Bridge rev 09 | Intel P
Display Acer 26" TFT | 1900*1200 @ 100hZ
OS Windows 7 Home Professional
CD/DVD 8x52x52x DVD+- Toschiba Combolaufwerk
Mouse Logitech G7
Mousepad Tischplatte
Keyboard Logitech G19
Headphones Logitech G930 Wireless Command Headset
Connection TDSL Entertain 50000
Sound system Sony Turm kA welche baureihe :D
Console(s) PSP, PS2, PS3, Wii und SNES / N64 rumliegen :D
Handheld(s) iPhone 4G / iPad
Mobile Phone Sony Ericsson Xperia X10
Drink Jacky-Cola
Food Sushi, Pizza, Burger
Movie L.A. Crash
Music Bushido, DMX, Black/R&B
Song Remember the Name (Fort Minor
Book World of Warcraft History
Book author Mark Spragg
Person Jemand der mir nahe steht
Actor / Actress Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman
Car BMW M3 E90 GTR MK2
Sport Basketball
Athlete Masumi Kuwata, Ali
Map cs_siege, de_prodigy, cs_assault
Game Hero Deamonhunter
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Tauren, Undead
Genre Egoshooter, MMORPG, Strategie
Console PSP << Technikwunder unserer Zeit ;)
Favourite Websites
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Website 3 << ge..
Website 4