Miguel 'jAs' Correia  id: 3777488
CPU A10 6970K @ 4 GHZ
RAM Kingston HyperX 2x4GB ddr3 2100MHZ
Videocard ATI R9 280x
Storage PLEXTOR M5 PRO 256GB
Motherboard ASROCK FM2A85x
Display Benq xl2411z
OS Windows 7 Ultimate 64bits
Antivirus Kaspersky Pure
Mouse Zowie EC1 evo
Mousepad Steelseries Fnatic
Keyboard SteelSeries 6Gv2
Headphones Sennheiser 323D
Console(s) PS3
Music Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, White Stripes, AC, Tool
Person Zach Condon
Sport Basket
Map de_inferno
Clan Wacky-esports
Player shox
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.growupgaming.c..
↧ Achievements ↧

~ CS:S ~

↬ 9th at XLPARTY POMBAL with uPgaming! [ask, jas, limbado, Sambado, dreami]
↬ 7th at XLPARTY PORTO with uPgaming! [ask, jas, limbado, Sambado, fred]
↬ 7th at XLPARTY BRAGA with uPgaming! [ask, jas, limbado, dmntR, fred]
↬ 2nd at XLPARTY EXPONOR with uPgaming! [Limbado, jas, Lafaya, kellocks, top24]

~ CS:GO ~

↬ 5th at PROGAMING SERIES with uPgaming! [ask, jas, limbado, dmntR, Axl]
↬ 3rd at CJM CS:GO#1 with myworld.mix [ask, jas, zneil, maw, evoJNR]
↬ 1st at CJM CSGO #2 with uPgaming! [limbado, jas, zneil, leO, scream]
↬ 2nd at xTreme Summer Cup #1 with uPgaming! [N3w, jas, riis3d, rimz, lezon]
↬ 5th at Multiplay i50 with uPgaming! [jas, ScR[2s, dark, zneil, ask]
↬ 2nd at TweekLanParty with uPmix
[jas, panda, Angelz, Pizituh, Guzz]
↬ 2nd at CJM NOVEMBER CUP with EG
[jas, vts, syon, million, neeve]
↬ 3rd at CJM NOX CUP with EG
[jas, vts, syon, million, neeve]
↬ GroupStage at ESWC Offline Qualif. Braga with Galatics
[ SHOUW, gax2s, million, synk, jas ]