Hardware | |
CPU | hab ich |
RAM | hab ich |
Videocard | hab ich |
Soundcard | hab ich |
Storage | vieleeeeee |
Motherboard | hab ich |
Display | viele |
OS | alles |
Antivirus | ja |
CD/DVD | ja |
Mouse | ja |
Mouse Skatez | nein |
Mousepad | ja |
Keyboard | ja |
Headphones | ja |
Connection | speed |
TV | ja |
Sound system | ja |
Console(s) | nein |
Handheld(s) | ja |
Mobile Phone | ja |
Favourite... | |
Drink | vieles |
Food | Pizza |
Movie | Half Baked |
Music | Alles |
Song | ... |
Book | ne ne ^^ |
Favourite... | |
Map | de_prodigy |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.online-age.de |
Website 2 | http://www.counterstrike... |
Website 3 | http://www.chip.de |
Website 4 | http://www.heise.de |
Spack the Planet ?! ;) www.online-age.de Ich bin ein Spack und das ist gut so Spack-the-Planet ^^ |========================================== | | |[ Clanhistory since CS Beta 4 ]| | | - Asyl ][ Fighter/ Taktiker | - Doenerfabrikant ][ Leader/ Gründer | - Acid Freaks ][ Fighter | - Power of Redemption ][ Fighter | - Angels of Death ][ Fighter | - Untouchable Fraggers ][ Fighter | - Aun no Kokyu ][ Fighter/ Serveradmin | - Steel-Soldiers ][ Orga | - Steel-Lan ][ Veranstalter/ Mainorga | - Girls United ][ Mainorga | - myRush ][ Orga CS - Female | - finest.eSport ][ Orga CS | - Immortal-eSports ][ Orga CS | |========================================== |========================================== | | aktuell | | myFASCINATION][ Orga | #myfascination | myFASCINATION | | |========================================== |========================================== | | |[ Favourite Games ]| | | - Counter-Strike 1.6 | - Starcraft Broodwar | |========================================== |========================================== | | |[ Friends ]| | | sUbliMe | vaLe | ven0m | low | dennis | gen | guardian | diNe | extrisS | |========================================== |