Mylord  id: 381869
CPU AMD FX 6300 Six-Core, 3500 MHz, 3 Kerne
RAM G.Skill 8 GB DDR3
Videocard NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
Soundcard Realtek High Definition Audio
Storage SSD 256 GB
Motherboard MSI 970A-G46
Display ASUS VX279H 27" TFT
OS Windows 7 Home Premium
Mouse steelseries Sensei RAW Rubberized
Mousepad steelseries
Keyboard Raptor Gaming
Headphones Logitech G230
Connection 1&1 50.000 MBit
TV Samsung 50"
Sound system Samsung
Console(s) XBOX
Mobile Phone iPhone
Drink Gin Tonic
Food Gyros
Movie Quentin Tarantino Productions
Music Rock
Actor / Actress Will Ferrell
Car Pontiac Firebird
Sport K-1, UFC
Athlete Buffon
Map de_mirage
Clan G2
Player makelele
Game Hero Duke Nukem
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Nachtelf Irokesen
Genre Ego-Shooter
Console XBOX
Favourite Websites
Website 1
₪ his: XX5, area4gamers, Highsports, GameTec, Team Art of Gaming, luQer, Paradigma, GHU, Bandidos


║ →→ Some infos about my cs
║ ₪ Sensitivity: 1.4
║ ₪ Resolution: 16:9 (1920x1080)
║ ₪ Monitor: ASUS VX279 27"
║ ₪ Mouse: steelseries Sensei RAW rubberized
║ ₪ Favorite map: de_mirage
║ ₪ Favorite weapon: m4s, usp, knife, awp
║ ₪ CS since: 1999

║ →→ CS-History
║ ₪ xx5 Multigaming `00~`02 Top5
║ ₪ Art of Gaming (AoG)`04 Top10
║ ₪ Highsports `04 Top10
║ ₪ gameTec `04 Top5
║ ₪ Bandidos `05~`09 Top10
║ ₪ Gott Hilf Uns `10~`11 Top5
║ ₪ luQer (SpF) `02~`16 Top5
