z0oL  id: 384028
CPU Mein Rechner
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.sysprofile.de/..
Danke an ID Gaming, SSV Lehnitz (cs 1.6),faculty (cod1/4) und ocrana (css). Hat Spass gemacht

Old Times

Call of Duty 4
TEAM NRW Spieler - Nordrhein - Westfalen
n! - faculty [cZ,Monstar,puNi,sciz]

CounterStrike Source

TEAM NRW Spieler - Nordrhein - Westfalen
ocr - OCRANA [hossa,rbt,preacher,aleX,oN]
HFD - High FiDelity [globe,zerni,stampi,da1]
bioXar - bioXar [schmitt,da1,schaedel,deno]
rew - rewind [tcry,bplz,maxwell,mazz,lupo]

TEAM NRW Spieler - Nordrhein - Westfalen
risk.EPS Season 2 - risk Clan [lamagra,cypress,vio,jack]
xx5.EPS Season 3 - XX5 Multiplayer Teamwork [boller,knusper,coyote,deathuz]
atL - at the Limit [slimar,ayold,moneyman,tobi]
foL - Fragbyte Online [driven,val,2po,alekz]
ID - Identity Gaming [marley,donney,humbold,mad]

Call of Duty
TEAM NRW Captain - Nordrhein - Westfalen
TEAM GER - Spieler
k-clan - Krawall Clan [bTz,jerry,d3nn1s,oreca,fel!x]
lanfan - LANFAN -> divin - CLAN Divin [C4pon3,sven,kris,juL,aLL$tar]
Lehnitz - SSV Lehnitz [nox,aLL$tar,kris,skru,reSu]
dSlash - FSI [bliZz,thunny,adri,horn,flaSh]


• Dimension 6
• The Summit 5,6,7
• Blue Screen Convention 1,2,3
• SMLA 2,3
• tsh 8,9,10
• cs docs 8
• cbn-lan 1
• terminals 8,9,10,11
• cL 3