Andreas Horst 'Andreas' Rössel  id: 3881716
CPU DualCore AMD Athlon 64 X2, 2200 MHz (11 x 200) 440
RAM 1024 MB (PC3200 DDR SDRAM)
Videocard NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX
Soundcard Creative Audigy LS Audio Processor
Storage 300Gb
Motherboard MSI K8N Neo4 Series (MS-7125) (4 PCI, 1 PCI-E x1,
Display Targa Visionary 1280 x 1024 x 32
OS Windows Vista Ultimate
Antivirus Antivir
Mouse Razor ´´Mamba´´
Mousepad Razor Goliathus
Keyboard Logitech G15
Headphones hama CS-410
Connection Icq,Msn,Kwick,skype,
Wheel/Pedals -
Joypad Playstation imitat (Logitech)
TV karte ^^
Sound system Sony Komplett system ;-)
Console(s) Ps3 reicht
Drink Whiskhy/scotch
Food Schinken Hackfleichröllsche ^^ Pilemeni
Movie Sin city,300,saw 1-5,,,zu viele Filme ^^
Music RnB te best of the world
Song Chriss Brown - Fallin Angel
Book Resident evil
Book author -
Person Wer ist es wert???
Actor / Actress Sein eigenes Leben
Car Audi Rs 6
Sport Muay Thay Boxen!!!
Athlete Selbst :-)^^
Map Italy, piranesi, torn
Clan aim.freakZ - uNiTeD
Player Sei dein bester Freund
Game Hero Kira ::::Death Note::::
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Maschinen :-P
Genre Cs 1.6 / CS:S
Console Ohne Frage ;-) Playstation 3
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://coming soon
Naja bin wohl ich^^versuche hier mein bestes zu geben.Zum ausgleich an allem :-°

`۵´☆ Skill is famous ☆`۵´

Naja viel zusagen gibts net...Ich bin ich^^ Und das wird auch niemand ändern ;-)