n9ir  id: 390893
CPU Dual Core 2.2 gig
RAM 3086
Videocard geforce 9600 GT
Soundcard Steelseries 5Hv2
Storage 1 Terrabyte
Motherboard keine ahnung xD
Display Laptop bildschirm ^^
OS Vista Home
Mouse Steelseries Xai
Mouse Skatez ja
Mousepad Steelseries QCK+ Fnaticskin
Keyboard Razer Tarantula
Headphones Sennheiser PC-350
Connection t-online 16mbit
TV Philips Ambilight 32 LCD
Sound system dolby surround
Console(s) Playstation 3 & Xbox 360
Drink barcardi Cola,Tequilla
Food Döner,pizza
Movie The Fast And The Furious , 2fast2Furious
Music Hiphop,House und Hardstyle
Song habe ich eig keins hoere zuviele
Book was ist ein BUCH XD
Book author Stephen King
Actor / Actress Amber Heard
Car Nissan Skyline & Audi R8
Sport Fussball,Eishockey
Athlete Ribery
Map de_aztec,de_train,de_nuke
Clan Fnatic
Player Dsn & Forest
Game Hero Sonic & Dante
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) nightelf
Console Playstation 3 und Xbox 360
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.fnatic.com
Website 2 http://www.mousesports.de