GATUNO  id: 3918520
CPU Intel Core i5 4690K
RAM 16Go
Videocard nVidia® GeForce™ GTX 960
Storage 1T + 240SSD
Motherboard MSI Z97
Display BenQ 24"
OS Windows 7 Pro 64
Antivirus avast
CD/DVD Graveur asus
Mouse asus gladius
Mousepad RoG gm50
Keyboard zalman
Headphones asus rog
Connection free option gamer with fastpath
Joypad xbox 360
Drink le coca bouteille en verre
Food raclette et barbec
Movie requiem for a dream/devil's reject
Music chin check by NWA et too short - im a player
Song jihad by medine
Book hard by raffaela anderson
Person My Sister
Actor / Actress natalie martinez
Car Audi A4
Sport UFC
Athlete mike tyson / mac gregor / dos santos
im very furious! very...
|||||||||12% chargement en attente!

I hate this world!! fuckin life... I need to kill many men!!!
)_,.--'[ µ"_|****”””

Welcome in my fuckin player club!