Manuel 'Manzo3' Egger  id: 3934955
CPU AMD Phenom II X6 1090T
RAM 8.00 GB
Videocard Sapphire Radeon HD5870 Vapor-X
Soundcard Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Prof Ser
Storage Samsung SSD 830 series 256 GB
Motherboard Asus Crosshair IV Formula
Display Samsung SyncMaster 226BW
OS Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit
Antivirus avast!
Mouse Logitech G5
Mousepad Sharkoon 1337 XL Gaming Mat "Aqua"
Keyboard Logitech G11
Headphones Roccat Kave Gaming Headset
Connection Breitband BB44+
Sound system Mein Headset^^
Console(s) Playstation,Wii
Mobile Phone Samsung Galaxy S2
Drink Hefe-Cola und vieles mehr...
Food Reis mit Sauce/Tiramisu
Movie The Green Mile
Music Alles was gut Klingt
Song Human von The Killers
Car Fort Fiesta/Focus RS
Sport Fußball, Motorrad
Athlete Agger,Lahm
Map Crash/Backlot/Crossfire/Strike/District
Clan mTw CoD4 / Reason Gaming CoD4
Player mTw.JoTschy - [R] dUffER
Genre Ego-Shooter/Strategie
Console Playsation 2 & Wii
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.nemesis-projec..
Website 2
Website 3 http://www.georg-kofler.c..
Website 4
╔> Skill: Low [x] Med [] High [x]
╠> Status: Aktiv [] Inaktiv [x]
╠> Waffe: AK-47/Ak-U
╠> Style5 Liveticker

╠> Team : Nemesis-Project
╠> Team Südtirol Orga: Nemesis-Project

Call of Duty 4 4ever!!!!!