daqes  id: 4073309
CPU i5 2500k@3,3 Ghz
RAM 8GB DDR3 Crucial Ballistix Sport
Videocard GF 760GTX ASUS
Storage 500 GB
Motherboard Asrock P67 PRO3
Display 19' iiyama
OS Windows 7
Antivirus avast!
Mouse Steelseries Ikari
Keyboard e5
Headphones Creative tactic3d rage
Connection 10 Mb/s
Mobile Phone Sony Xperia Z
Drink beer + vodka
Food Pizza
Movie Dark Knight
Song Kendrick Lamar - The Recipe ft. Dr.Dre
Book Game of Thrones
Book author J.R.R Tolkien
Actor / Actress Al Pacino
Car Dodge Challenger
Sport Drinking vodka
Athlete Dennis Bergkamp
Map Castle | Villa | Seine
Clan BC :)
Player Me :x
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Tauren
Genre FPS