b0rn  id: 409791
CPU AMD Athlon 64 3000+ Winchester
RAM 1024 MB DDRRAM Corsair
Videocard ATI Radeon X800GT
Soundcard on Board
Storage 120 GB Seagate ATA 133
Motherboard Asus A8V-E Deluxe
Display Acer AL 1917Asm
OS Windows XP Prof.
Mouse Razer Diamonback Magmar
Mouse Skatez Teflon
Mousepad Razer eXactMat (control seite)
Keyboard Logitech
Headphones Speed Link
Connection 32000 BABY!
Wheel/Pedals Logitech Momo Racing Wheel
Joypad suckt!
TV Simpsons, Family Guy, Amarican DAD, Southpark
Sound system geht schon!
Console(s) PS3
Handheld(s) hab n Handy, das hat n Terminplaner ^^
Drink Emsgold, Tequila, Hohenfelder, Cherry Coke
Food Lasagne, Pizza
Movie Band of Brothers, Balls of Fury, Hip Hop Hood
Music Kool Savas, Prinz Porno
Song Würfel von Prinz Porno
Book langweilig
Book author O.o ???
Person GizZelmanizZel
Actor / Actress Bruce Willis
Car Kadett C Coupé GTE, mein Ascona C C20XE
Sport eSport, Fussball
Athlete Michael Schumacher und ich natürlich
Map Westhill Reverse
Clan GanzGenau
Player b0rn
Game Hero auch der b0rn ;)
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) GTR
Genre racing
Console Konsolen luuutschen Schwanz! PC rockt!
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.ganzgenau.com
Website 2 http://www.opel-scene.de...
Website 3 http://www.wdgaming.de
Website 4 http://www.spruechekloppe..
» Awards

The Summit IV: CS:S 5on5 Cup | Rank: 2nd - The Summit V: CS:S 5on5 Cup | Rank: 5th - The Summit VI: CS:S 5on5 Cup | Rank: 5th - The Summit VI: CS:S 2on2 Cup | Rank: 9th - NGL 2005: CS:S 5on5 Ladder | Rank: 5th...

» CS:S Awards

The Summit IV: CS:S 5on5 Cup | Rank: 2nd
The Summit V: CS:S 5on5 Cup | Rank: 5th
The Summit VI: CS:S 5on5 Cup | Rank: 5th
The Summit VI: CS:S 2on2 Cup | Rank: 9th

NGL 2005: CS:S 5on5 Ladder | Rank: 5th

» LFS Awards