coolf1re  id: 42640
CPU Centrino 2 @ 2.4 GhZ
RAM 4096 GB DDR3
Videocard Geforce 9300M GS
Soundcard Realtek HD Audio
Storage 8 TB extern
Motherboard SONY VAIO Z
Display 13.1" first and 24" second TFT
OS Windows Vista Business
CD/DVD DVD Brenner 16x
Mouse Logitech Wingman mit Intelli 3.0 Explorer Sensor
Mouse Skatez -
Mousepad Func Surface 1030
Keyboard Logitech G15 Gaming
Headphones Sony
Connection 1&1 16 Mbit
Handheld(s) IPhone
Drink Cuba Libre
Food Zigeunerschnitzel Pommes Majo !!
Movie The Rock The Boondock Saints
Music Rock Alternativ Metal
Song In Flames Ordinary Story
Car Audi A5
Sport Fußball
Map cs_mansion
Clan Team Slaughterhouse
Player me myself and I