Christoph 'Chris' Schobert  id: 4304333
CPU i3
RAM 4gig
Videocard 6870
Soundcard X-FI
Storage genug
Display Samsung 24"
OS 7
Mouse Razer
Mouse Skatez Hyperglides
Mousepad Exactmat
Keyboard Logitech
Headphones Sennheiser PC150
Connection Kabel .de
Drink Coke
Food Käsenudeln
Movie einiges
Music vieles
Car Mein Mustang
"B1944. serious offers welcome."
Da mein alter Account gehackt und gelöscht wurde, ist dies nun mein neuer Account.

Alter Account:
Former Player of (CS:S) mTw, nGize etc. (BF Series) QPool, HFD (CoD Series) doubleSLASH, Team CoolTronik, POD and many more

Some Links about me

EPS Season 7 Statistics by Kills
Team-Germany CSS 05 Interview
WWCL Interview mit mir
Gotfrag Story über QPool

Offline Attendance:

Fusion-LAN 2004
LAN-Fact 2005
Login Lanstation mTw.ATI Bootcamp 2005
The Slautherhouse 2005
ESL Pro Series Finals 2005
Northcon 2005
Summit 2006
BF-Con 2006
Twinloc 2006
Dimension6 2006
Networkingz Bootcamp with 2007


Clanbase 2004 #1 (5on5 and 2on2)
CPL Offline Qualifier NL #1 (riot/mTw)
Team-Germany Captain 2004/2005 (mTw)
EPS Qualifier ([00])
EPS with nGize

Battlefield Series
The Slaughterhouse #2 (HFD/QPool)
Northcon 2005 #1 (HFD/QPool)
EPS Offline Finals 2005 #2 (HFD/QPool
EPS Season 8 #2 (HFD/QPool)
Twinloc 2006 #2 (a-Losers.MSI)
Twinloc 2142 #3 (a-Losers.MSI)
WWCL 2005/2006 #1
EPS 2142 (egamespoint.Tt)

Call of Duty Series
GIGA Liga Playoffs
Clanbase 3on3 CoD1 #3
Clanbase Eurocup #3
Dimension6 5on5 #1
Dimension6 3on3 #2
Clanbase CoD2 5on5 #1

ex Teams:


UTOPIANER (xiu, wast3d, Chris, tico,scope )
HFD (mua, wild, bi0, enTe, Chris )
mTw.ATI (bishop, litchblade, insane,matop,Chris,Blaze)
clan00 (GreX,nYmo,insaneNESK,th0m4s,Chris )
nGize (Blackjack, kev, kNECHT, mikee, Chris)
DRUCKWELLE (wasteL, Stepe und paar Leute)

CoD(1-4) Titel:

UTOPIANER arti, non, blaiR, Happy, Chris )
Digital Death Germany[later mTw.CoD1] (pow agressor chris toni shogun copykill etc. )
dSlash (adri, thunder, flaSh,blizzar, Chris )
Replika (juMe,joca,twice,lopezz,Chris )
Team CoolTronik (juMe, joca, twice, lopezz, Chris)
qix (Wetter,baZz,caly,cap,alu, Chris)
Highbot (groobblin,humm3L,souX,alu,Chris)
qix (Wetter,baZz,grooblin,caly,soulreaper,Chris)

BF Series:

HFD Team (QPool, Dragonality uvm.)