Froggy  id: 4597406
CPU AMD K9 Athlon X2 4200+ Socket AM2
RAM Kingston DDR2 2048 x2
Videocard NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti (1024 MB)
Soundcard VIA HD
Storage Samsung SP2504C 250GB 7200rpm
Motherboard ASRock K10N78D
Display LG L2261 (widescreen)
OS Windows XP professonal
Antivirus AVG Anti-virus
Mouse Razer Salmosa
Keyboard Logitech K120
Headphones Canyon CNR-HS4
Drink Coca Cola/Beer/Gin Tonic
Food All kind of meat
Music Rock/Metal/Everything else if im in mood
Song The Offspring- Why Don't You Get A Job?
Book Stainless Steel Rat series/Time Patrol series
Book author Harry Harrison/Poul Anderson
Car Toyota Corolla/ Dodge Viper/ Lotus Elise
Sport Basketball/Swimming
Map Overkill/woa/wcp18
Clan Fnatic
Player Fox/Zero4
Game Hero Ranger (Q3/QL)/ Demon Hunter (WC 3)
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Protoss/Dark Elfs
Genre FPS/stategies