FLIP  id: 492209
CPU AMD64 3800+
RAM GeiL 2048 DDR
Videocard GeForce 6800 GT 256Ram
Soundcard on board
Storage 300GB
Motherboard Shuttle xPC
Display Samsung - SyncMaster 930BF
OS Windows XP
Mouse Microsoft Intelli 1.1SE ( #mTune )
Mouse Skatez -
Mousepad Steelpad QcK
Keyboard std. Cherry
Headphones Sennheiser PC160
Connection T-Online DSL 16000 :E
TV Beamer :\
Console(s) Gamecube, PS2, Xbox, Xbox360 :o
Drink Vilsa Brunnen Classic :>
Food Thunfischsalat ... da best :-*
Movie Shawn of the Dead
Music DLR, Savas, KIZ, Alpagun
Song Mr. Long und Frauenarzt - Das Sexluder
Book Der Fliegenfänger << MEGA :)
Book author -
Person Ich ?
Actor / Actress Erkan und Stefan / GEIL GEIL GEIL :D
Car SL600
Sport www.zeven-flames.de
Athlete Ray Lewis
Map de_dust2
Clan mTw, kekZ
Game Hero Gordon
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Humas
Console Xbox360
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.kekz.info
Website 2 http://www.zeven-flames.d..
Website 3 http://www.dec-gaming.de
Website 4 http://www.rushed.de/inde..